Meston College of Education
Royapettah, Chennai 14

Mentorship Programme (2021 - 22) :A Report

Mentorship is a programme in which an experienced person (Mentor) provides guidance to a person with less or no experience (Mentees).

   In our college we follow this programme and all the teaching faculties are allotted with  mentees. At the beginning of the year, based on the attendance list each faculty will be allotted with mentees. After the preparation of the list, it will be displayed in the  student’s notice board.

  In this year each faculty were given five students as mentees. An introductory meeting was conducted on 5.2.22. Each  of them  were allotted a meeting place and the meeting  was conducted for an hour. The mentees introduced themselves and the mentor explained about the value of mentorship programme and also how this programme will be implemented .The proceedings of the meeting  and the suggestions for the improvements in teaching and learning  were recorded in a  notebook and it was submitted to the principal after the meeting.

   The suggestions given by the  mentees were considered and the actions were  taken. Whenever the mentees needs guidance and support, they can easily meet their mentor. This made the mentees  encouraged ,motivated and  developed  a confidence in them. This programme goes throughout the entire course till the student completes the B.Ed  programme.


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