About Meston Library

The Library of the Meston College of Education spans over a carpet area of 1,135.31 sq. ft. and can accommodate about 42 people at a time.  The library follows an open access system where users of the library have liberty to enter into the stack area and search for the required books and necessary references.

The library of our college has adequate holdings in terms of Books, Journals and other learning materials, facilities for technology-aided-learning enables students to acquire information, knowledge and skills for their career. The library plays a prominent functionary role in supporting the academic activities of the institution by establishing, maintaining and promoting library and information services.  It upholds the teaching and research programme of the college by maximising access to information.

There is a property counter outside the library to temporarily hold the personal belongings of the students. Seven Books is the limit allotted for each B.Ed., M.Ed., and M.Phil. student, which is issued for a period of 14 days. Books in the reference section and journals are issued for overnight use.

The library maintains a good reference collection, which includes valuable reference sources like Encyclopaedia, Multilingual Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Yearbooks, Theses, etc., Remote access to the library’s e-resources is also available within the college to its users through access points. The college library has subscribed to the N-LIST database and has access to nearly 6000 e-journals and 3, 00,000 e-books. Individual user ID and password for all the Staff and Students are created to access the e- resources from N-LIST remotely and also provides access to e-resources in the library.

Meston College Library has institutional membership with the British Council Library and has access to British Council Library Books and e- documents through user ID and password.  Almost all the members of the library (undergraduate students, post-graduate students, teaching faculty and research scholars) log into the library every day for their reference.    

Meston College Online Resource Library was created with an initiative to provide study materials for our college students during the Pandemic period which contains links to the notes of our college staff members and other educational institutional notes, NCERT notes etc., for their reference, teaching learning and research development.

Theses, Reference books and bound back volumes of periodicals are placed for current reference. All subscribed journals are separately displayed. The college library is being optimally utilised for enhancing the knowledge, reference work, preparation of curricular transaction materials and remedial teaching and learning materials among teachers and learners.

Journal articles and other paper presentation articles published in various journals are made available in the library.

To enhance the employability skills and nurture talent, there are numerous books related to SLET, NET, TET, UPSC, TRB,TNPSC are also available. The College Library provides in-house photocopy, print, CAS, SDI and internet facilities in addition to lending facilities.

Library Services and Features

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