Educational Technology


Laboratory :

This centre has LCD and OHP projectors, slide projectors and other equipments to aid the teaching-learning process. Under the guidance of a qualified Audio-Visual Technician, student-teachers make use of the centre for instructional training.

Digitalized Language


Laboratory :

With the objective of actively involving students in English learning, the Digitalized Language Laboratory has been developed which could accommodate 30 students at a time.



Laboratory :

A Psychology Laboratory is maintained by the College in which experiments in Psychology are conducted as part of the B.Ed. practical curriculum. The Psychology Laboratory also serves the M.Ed., M.Phil. students and Ph.D. Research Scholars in selecting their tools for their research.



Laboratory :

The College has an ICT centre that can accommodate 30 students at a time. The centre is maintained by a qualified staff, who also conducts theory and practical classes for the students. The centre is available during and after class hours.

B.Ed. students use Computer Laboratory for PowerPoint presentation and website evaluation. Computer literate students and students with knowledge of computer applications assist beginners during their free time. Beginners in computers are given extra time after College hours. M.Ed. and Research scholars make use of the lab for data analysis and for related literature.

B.Ed. students use Computer Laboratory for power point presentation and web site evaluation. Computer literate students and students with knowledge of computer applications assist beginners during their free time. Beginners in computers are given extra time after college hours.



Laboratory :

  • Biological Science Classroom cum Laboratory.
  • Physical Science Classroom cum Laboratory.
  • Mathematics Classroom cum Laboratory.

Students use the laboratories during teaching practice. Initial preparation in the conduct of experiments and use of apparatus is practised at the laboratories.



A qualified Librarian maintains the Library. It is open to staff and students from 09.15 a.m. to 05.30 p.m. It is also kept open on holidays during exam period on request from students. Open Access system is followed except for reference books. General Books, Subject Books, Encyclopedias, Theses, Reference Books, Journals, Periodicals and Newspapers (both Tamil and English) are made available to staff and students. Vast collection of books especially in the areas of mental retardation is available.

The question papers and syllabus for various subjects are made available for reference. Apart from Braille Books, Tape Recorder and Audio Cassettes are also available for blind students. Students and staff of other Colleges are also allowed to use the Library on certain conditions. The Library can accommodate 40 persons at a time.



Hostels :

The hostels for both men and women are functioning within the College campus with the objective of fostering fellowship among the hostellers and promoting personality traits related to the teaching profession. The mess provides both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. It is run on dividing basis.

Games and recreational activities to promote physical development, daily evening devotion to inculcate spiritual values and personal guidance are provided to the hostellers. The overall functioning of the hostels is a co-operative endeavor of the inmates under the guidance of the Warden.

Sports and Games:



This College has playgrounds for Football, Cricket and Hockey and courts for Tennis, Basket Ball, Hand Ball, Badminton, Shuttle Cock, etc. Director of Physical Education is in charge of the sports and games activities.

Indoor Sports Training Facilities



James Cooling Indoor Sports Training Facilities Centre, sponsored by UGC is functioning in our College campus. It is fully furnished with wooden flooring and lighting. Two Shuttle Badminton Courts, Gymnastic Equipments and Yoga Mats are available. Our students utilize this centre everyday to keep themselves fit and healthy.
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