The College Hymn 

O God, our help in ages past, 

Our hope for years to come 

Our shelter from the stormy blast 

And our eternal home. 


Under the shadow of Thy throne, 

Still may we dwell secure, 

Sufficient is Thine arm alone 

And our defence is sure. 


Before the hills in order stood, 

Or earth received her frame, 

From everlasting Thou art God To endless years the same. 


O God, our help in ages past, 

Our hope for years to come 

Be thou our guard while life shall last 

And our eternal home. 

(The song significant for its absolute faith in God and future was sung by King David more than thousand years ago and it was given hymn form by Dr.Issac Watis in 1719) 

                                         Our Founder’s Favourite prayer:

                                                                                                           Founder Principal Rev T.R. Foulger

                              The Prayer of St. Richard of Chichester

“Thanks be to thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits which thou has given us; for all pains and insults which thou has borne for us. O most merciful Redeemer, Friend and Brother, may we know thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, and follow thee more nearly; for thine own sake.” 

                                                                                                                                               – Amen.

                                THE COLLEGE PRAYER


                                        We praise Thee, O God, that ever Thou didst bring us into the

                                              fellowship of this College. We give Thee thanks for the

                                            adventures in the friendship and knowledge that we have

                                           shared together, and pray that as we go on to fulfill our great

                                                vocation that ties that bind us to Thee and to one another

                                                                 may grow stronger with the years.


                                                 Be Thou our Teacher and Guide, for if Thou dost teach 

                                            us we cannot learn amiss and if dost Thou guide us we 

                                                 cannot go astray. May we ever remember that it is in 

                                                              giving that we receive, it is in pardoning 

                                                        that we are pardoned; it is in dying to self that 

                                                                         we are born to eternal life.


                                                         So we may live in fellowship with Thee until pure 

                                                            and just with the noble things of God and man 

                                                               are precious to us; and we find nothing to fear 

                                                                  but that which is hateful in Thine eyes and 

                                                                        nothing worth seeking but that which is

                                                                                                precious to Thee.

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