In its sojourn from 1937 the wheels of our college rolled on in sunshine and during starlit nights to reach new horizons
1937 Founding of Meston College of Education ( then called Meston training college) with L.T (Licentiate in Teaching), (L.T became B.T) in 1944 and B.Ed in 1972.
1937 Meston hostel (formerly Wesly College Hostel) annexed to Meston College.
1943 Affiliation of the college for M.Ed., Degree course by the University of Madras.
1947 Wesley hostel (formerly known as Paddison hostel) became a part of Meston Institution
1957 Sanction of the Department of Extension Services by the All India council for Secondary Education, Delhi.
1960 Commemoration of the significant of pioneering services of Rev T.R. Foulger and Mrs. Emma Foulger in the field of Education, on the occasion of their leaving for Britain.
1963 Celebration of Silver Jubilee
1973 Initiating Counselling services for students and others.
1975 Renewal of Department of Extension Services with total undertaking by the State Government
Affiliation of the College for Ph.D., programme by the University of Madras.
Recognition of Post-Graduate Institution by the Directorate of the Collegiate Education and University of Madras in consideration of the M.Ed., and Ph.D courses.
1976 University Affiliation for Physical Science Department.
Establishment of Muttukadu Rural Centre with provision for camp activities.
1977 Celebration of Ruby Jubilee.
1978 Development of Meston Campus Farm giving opportunity for community farm work for Students.
1984 Inauguration of Foulger Hall. Starting of the Emma Foulger School (in the premises of Methodist Synod Hall) as another practising school of Meston college
1987 Celebration of Golden Jubilee. Inauguration of Golden Jubilee Hall, Conferment of Autonomy of the College by University of Madras
1988 Affiliation for the new optional subject-Education for the mentally handicapped at B.Ed., by the University of Madras.
Inauguration of Meston Education and Rehabilitation Research Centre for the mentally handicapped (urban) as practising school of Meston College.
1989 Inauguration of Computer Unit.
Inauguration of Meston Education and Rehabilitation Research Centre for the mentally handicapped (Rural) at Muttukadu.
1991 Affiliation of the College for M.Phil.,programme by the University of Madras.
1996 Founder’s Centenary.
1997 LEGION d’ HONNEUR in the class of Chevalier(knight) was awarded to our Founder Principal Rev T.R. Foulger by the French Republic.
1999 The Founder principal Rev T.R. Foulger passed away
2000 Permission granted to offer EMH optional along with other optional subjects
Launching of Bi-Annual Meston news letter.
2001 Launching of Meston Journal of Research in Education Bi-Annual.
College Accrediated by NAAC.
Institution of Endowment for Research and Publication.
Construction of boundary wall around the campsite at Muttukadu.
Launching of Mesto Fez – Meston Festival, State level Cultural for Colleges of Education.
College department equipped with computers, Institution of Interest Clubs.
2002 National Udyog Excellence Award for Meston for Outstanding Achievements.
Jewel of India Award for outstanding Achievements in Education to Dr P.S. Chandrakumar, Principal.
Rev. Fr. T.A Mathias, National Award for Innovative College Teachers 2002 to Dr.Merlyn Sanders.
Launching of FAME – Foulger Atheletic Meet – State Level Sports meet for College of Education.
Construction of Multi Purpose Hall at Muttukadu.
Inauguration of Meston Information Technology Centre.
Dedication of Language Laboratory.
Institute of Prof. A.M. Sathya Endowment Scholarship.
2003 Recognition accorded to Meston as a Programme Study Centre for IGNOU, B.Ed.,programme.
Institute of Vice Chancellor Prof Dr.K. Chokalingam Endowment Prize for the best outgoing student of the year.
2006 Inauguration of Foulger Block.
(Conferment of Autonomy for the College by the University of Madras)
2007 Introduction of Tamil optional at the B.Ed., level. Autonomy conferred for the M.Phil course by the University of Madras.
2008 Affiliation of the College by TNTEU.
2009 College Reaccrediated by NAAC.
Inauguration of Women’s Hostel.
Introduction of Co-Education at the B.Ed programme. Recognition accorded to Meston as a program Study Centre of Bharathiyar University and M.S. University – B.Ed programme.
Introduction of Semester System in M.Phil (Full Time) Jewel of India Award to Dr.S. Devasahayam Selvakumar, Principal.
2010 Establishment of Mathematics Laboratory.
Enhancement of M.Ed seats from 25 to 35.
Establishment of Red Ribbon Club.
2011 Platinum Jubliee Celebrations.
Conduct of MEST EXPO – 2012 a social awareness exhibition.
Dedication of digitalised language laboratory.
2012 Inauguration of new buildings for MERRC, special school at Muttukadu.
Establishment of Meston Gymnastic Centre ( UGC Sponsored )
Construction of New Building for Emma Foulger Women’s Hostel (UGC Sponsored)
Extension of Autonomy for a further period of six years from 2012 – 2013.
Best Principal Performance award to Dr.S. Devasahayam Selvakumar, Principal.
Organisation of UGC Sponsored National Conference (First time in Meston).
2013 Establishment of Women’s Cell
Conversion of Classrooms into ICT enabled centres.
2015 Re-accrediated (3rd cycle) at ‘A’ Grade by NAAC.
2016 Introduction of two year B.Ed., and M.Ed., programmes
Intake of B.Ed : 100 (2 Units)
Enhancement of M.Ed., seats from 35 to 50.
2018 Extension of Autonomy for a further period of five years from 2018 – 2019.
2020 Establishment of Curriculum development Cell & Research Development Cell
Inauguration of Work Experience Club, Health and Fitness Club, Arts and Crafts Club, Consumer Club and EK bharat shrestha bharat Club
Introduction of Swacchta Action Plan
Best Principal Award 2020 to Dr.S. Devasahayam Selvakumar, Principal
2021 “Srinivasa Ramanujam Award” to Dr.S. Devasahayam Selvakumar, Principal for the achievement in the field of Teacher Education